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We've spent the past 3 months teaching kids (and their parents) how to create stop motion films at our Tresorys Kernow community workshops. Now we'd like to see what you all have learned! Putting your stop motion skills to practice, we are running an animation competition for open to all kids 4-14.  

We want you to create a film that tells your climate story. The animation you create can be about anything that you feel is connected to climate change, protecting the environment, or looking after our planet. The film can be as short or long as you like, but we would like it to be a minimum of 10 seconds. You can enter a film you created in our community workshops or make a new one. If you didn't attend one of our workshops, don't worry you can still take part! Here is a video guide we've created previously, which will help teach you the basics. However, do be sure to enter via the link below!  



There will be three age categories for the competition with prizes for each age group. 

  • 4-7

  • 8-10

  • 11-14

The top 3 videos in each group will win their own Stop Motion kit for making more moves at home. 

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The competition runs from July 16th until Sept 2nd, so you have all summer to come up with an amazing film. You can enter more than once, but you can only win one prize.  



Here is an example of some of the videos created in our workshops. We are looking for more wonderful films like these! 

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