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TECgirls LIVE Postponed

We are very sad to announce that we will no longer have a TECgirls LIVE event on the 4th of April. While there is still no requirement for events like ours to cancel, we feel it is best to postpone the event until this summer. The good news is we already had the space booked out for the 22nd of August and this will simply give us more time to put together a fantastic day for the girls. 

By moving the event we will be able to ensure we still have the best possible day for everyone. Not only the girls attending and their guardians, but also the large number of wonderful volunteers and sponsors who have been working hard to make everything happen. It's important to us that we make the most of the day and we feel that this move, will allow everyone a chance to have a great time.

For anyone who already has a ticket, all tickets have been updated in Eventbrite to the new date of the 22nd of August with the same times booked. Emails were sent out on Friday the 13th with this update and the new ticket details. If you are no longer able to make it, please email us at info@TECgirls.co.uk so we can open up the spaces for other girls. 

In the meantime please do check out our website and our social media pages. We will be trying to share lots of activities for you to do with your girls at home (especially if you have to be home with them a lot over the next few weeks).

We will also still be producing our magazine which will be freely distributed across Cornwall and will be available to download for free on our website. Within the magazine we will share a number of fun activities you can do at home.

Also, keep an eye out for other great free TEC related events in Cornwall still going on like the Tech Jams and Coder Dojos. These are usually smaller groups and should still be happening around Cornwall. 

Good luck over the next few strange and trying months and we look forward to seeing you all this summer and at future events.


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